is an ai-augmented search engine for text with technical terminology, jargon and abbreviations.
As the video shows, TLP Search is very easy to use. Here are some hints for getting the best results:
- AI TLP search is more effective with 3 or more word queries (AI better understands context)
- AI search will automatically address synonyms.
- Simple keyword search is more effective for queries with fewer words
- Keyword search will require manual entry of synonyms
- To access specific clauses, access documents directly by clicking the ! icon (item 6 below).
User Interface and Functionality
The figure below enumerates elements of the search user interface. Text below provides details of each element’s functionality:
- Enter search string in the text box
- Click X to clear the search query
- Click the advanced search to search
- Click the magnifying lens icon or press the enter key to search.
- Search results are displayed in a table with several columns
- 5.1 No.: Shows an index of results for sorting
- 5.2 Text: Shows the search result. Clicking on shows a table with search result and surrounding text
- 5.3 Document: Shows the title of the document containing result. Clicking opens the PDF in a separate tab and highlights the result
- 5.4 Type: Shows the type of the document containing result.
- 5.5 Score: Shows relative strength of each result.
- 5.6 Sort: Click the sort buttons to resort
- 5.7 Page: Select search result pages
- 5.8 Number of Results: Select the number of results per page
- Click ! to display documents included in search
- Click the help button to access help
- Click on the user initials to logout of the search app (See Registration)